Ways To Share Good Content In Twitter

July 20, 2016 | By Neal | Filed in: Twitter.

Sharing content in Twitter is very important to become more popular among your followers. It is not possible to create interesting content regularly in Twitter and it can be difficult to find them as well. In the present day, every marketer knows that they must be creative in order to promote their brand effectively. Apart from creating your own content for sharing it with people in Twitter, you must also share posts from other people. Sharing a good content in Twitter can increase your reputation among the people which can lead to a strong engagement. Before creating or sharing content for the Twitter users, you must know how to make them popular. Sharing important content in Twitter can increase your reliability among your followers which can lead to the development of strong group of followers.

1. Twitter users- Before sharing the content in Twitter, make sure to know what your followers are interested in. This will help in knowing your followers ideas and what keeps them in following your Twitter account. If you are not aware about your followers requirement, try to ask them. You can just question your followers about what kind of tweet they want to see from your today. This can help in knowing the topic that you can share with the followers by creating your own content or share it from others. Always try to find out the topics that interests your followers and try to share the content that is related to the topic.

2. Curate content- Once you have found the requirement of your followers, try to look for the tools that can help you with the right content for tweeting. There are many tools available online that can help in getting valuable content for using it in your Twitter posts. Feedly is one of such tool that can be used to curate contents that are relevant to your topic. Fever is normally a content feed tool that can be used to see links as well as shares available about a topic in your network. Prismatic is also another tool that can help in finding the new content for sharing it with your followers. This tool is the best option to maintain your content interesting and you can also find new blogs as well as content sources to be shared in the Twitter.

3. Analyze before repeating- You can analyze the tweets by using some of the simple tools available such as TweetDeck, HootSuite and more. All these tools can help in analyzing things like retweets, clicks, and favorites that each tweet receives. After getting the required data, you can use it for knowing your audience interests. Now you can share the content that is more popular among the people in Twitter along with your followers. There are also other tools that can be used to find the popular topics in Twitter and make your Twitter experience interesting to receive greater engagement among your Twitter followers.

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